(3) To request tickets:
Use the On-Line Request Form on this page.
Or call us at (617) 861-3511 (Boston area) or (646) 444-2157 (New York City area), 24 hours a day.
NOTE: These are local phone numebrs in their respective cities; long-distance charges may apply.
Please note that "Lounge TV" is not in production at the moment. On-line ticket requets received will be held until such time as our show is back in production.
(4) All tickets are FREE of charge. No purchase is necessary.
(5) Because "Lounge TV" is taped at various times throughout the year, you can request tickets at any time. You will receive tickets to the next taping.
(6) The minimum age for admission to the show is ten (10) years old, however, those under seventeen (17) years of age MUST be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian, who MUST remain with the minor in the studio for the entire taping session.
(7) Minimum age restrictions will be enforced!
(8) The maximum number of tickets that can be requested by an individual is four (4).
(9) We usually tape two shows in a 90-minute period. Guests are asked to arrive at the studio at the time indicated on the face of the ticket on the date of taping. Guests are expected to stay for BOTH shows, so when the first show ends, please remain in your seat. More great entertainment is just a few minutes away.
(10) Each ticket will admit only ONE person.
(11) Each person wishing admission to the studio must have a valid ticket.
(12) Tickets for "Lounge TV" are issued free of charge, and are not to be sold.
(13) With advance notice, we can accomodate small groups (up to eight persons, depending on availability of tickets) in our studio-audience. Please click-on the link to the "Group Ticket Request Form" below, and let us know how we can reach you so we can work something out.
(14) While every effort will be made to admit you, ticket distributrion may exceed studio capacity, and therefore, a ticket does not guarantee admission.
(15) When you receive your tickets, you will also receive printed directions to our studio and a list of rules and regulations regarding studio-audience guests. Please take a few minutes to read this important information.
We hope to see you when we resume taping!